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Practical Protein Chromatography

Author: Kenney | Andrew

Original price was: $229.00.Current price is: $183.20.

Each chapter has been written by expert authors who have direct and regular practical experience with their chosen technology. The structure of each chapter is designed to make it easy for a worker to learn the method and follow it to an effective conclusion. An introduction treats the theory behind the method being described. The Materials and Methods sections allow the reader to prepare for and then perform techniques in a rational, step-by-step manner.

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Kenney, Andrew


Humana Press

Year Published



15.50 x 2.80 x 24.00 cm





Number of Pages


One of the many impacts of recombinant DNA technology over the last 15 years has been a strongly renewed interest in methods for the separation and purification of proteins. This interest has encompassed not only analytical separations, but also small- and large-scale preparative methods directed to both pure and applied research in biology and biomedicine. Many of the new or significantly altered techniques developed have been documented in the literature. With these problems in mind, we expect that Practical Protein Chromatography, designed as a key volume in the Methods in Molecular Biology series, will provide concise practical help to those carrying out new techniques for the first time. Each chapter has been written by expert authors who have direct and regular practical experience with their chosen technology. The structure of each chapter is designed to make it easy for a worker to learn the method and follow it to an effective conclusion. An introduction treats the theory behind the method being described. The Materials and Methods sections allow the reader to prepare for and then perform techniques in a rational, step-by-step manner. The Notes sections provide the sort of background hints and tricks that are often essential for success but are rarely reported in the literature.


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