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Teacher Education Generation Next: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges (Hardcover)

Author: Dr. Sangeeta Solanki, Dr. Anjali Raj and Viditi Rastogi

Original price was: $29.00.Current price is: $23.25.

This book is an effort to develop an insight among academicians for integrating principles and innovative pedagogical practices with specific reference to teaching, learning, and assessment and would be instrumental in encouraging changes in future knowledge, values, and attitudes with the vision of equity, equality, and accessibility to education.

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Dr. Sangeeta Solanki, Dr. Anjali Raj and Viditi Rastogi


Universal Academic Books Publishers & Distributors



Year Published




This book is a compilation of thirty-two quality research papers and articles presented during the International E-Conference on “Teacher Education Generation Next: Perspectives, Opportunities, & Challenges.”  This book covers the views and opinions of educationists, teacher educators, research scholars, and teachers on emerging issues related to next-generation teacher education in the form of research papers and articles. This book is an effort to develop an insight among academicians for integrating principles and innovative pedagogical practices with specific reference to teaching, learning, and assessment and would be instrumental in encouraging changes in future knowledge, values, and attitudes with the vision of equity, equality, and accessibility to education.


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